pygame artist in residence grant
An artist residency usually works something like; a person spends some time in either a gallery making something to present or in a music club doing a weekly spot. Artist in residence. The first "pygame artist in residence" grant will be for a small amount of money (€512). It is for someone who is already doing stuff with pygame or python in their arts practice. There will be a little thumbnail on the website linking towards an artist statement/patreon page/blog or some such. The residency won't be in a physical space. It lasts for a month, from October 1st - November 1st. At the end of the month the website 'exhibition' will take the form of a small update from the artist — in whatever form that takes . If you'd like to apply(or nominate someone) please write something short with a link about the arts practice and how python or pygame is used in it. Email: Applications close: September 15th. Announced: October 1s...