London code dojo - 4th March '10 18:30 – 21:30 (ish).
"""What is a coding dojo? This is a coding dojo.
Last time we attempted to refactor the various adventure game solutions from the January dojo. Whilst interesting, perhaps refactoring isn’t that exciting an activity for a dojo :-). Nevertheless, people seemed to be having fun and we did achieve our goal of a “one true” adventure game code base that allows us to define and navigate around a game world. The code can be found here:
After discussion at the end of the February dojo (and later in the pub) we decided that this time round we’re going to try another small-groups based exercise with a “show and tell” at the end as we continue to build the world’s greatest adventure game. Problems we might want to tackle include: a command parser, keeping track of game state/score/objects, NPCs/AI, authoring tools, turning it into a MUD (and so the list goes on…)
Photos from all the dojos so far can be found here:
Free pizza and beer will be provided.
Participants get the chance to win a cool book (thanks O’Reilly)."""