Multiple file uploads with html 5, cherrypy 3.2 and firefox 3.6beta5.
Here's an example for uploading multiple files with HTML 5 and newer browsers, like the firefox 3.6 beta5. You can shift/ctrl select multiple files, and even drag and drop them in. Makes for a much nicer user experience uploading files - rather than having to select one at a time, or having to load some java/flash thing.
It uses the unreleased cherrypy 3.2, with it's new request entity parsing tool hooks. See for details about the new control allowed over the whole process. It's a lot easier to make custom request entity parsing behaviour now, and in a much less hacky way than before.
With the tool in there, files come in as a list of files instead.
It uses the unreleased cherrypy 3.2, with it's new request entity parsing tool hooks. See for details about the new control allowed over the whole process. It's a lot easier to make custom request entity parsing behaviour now, and in a much less hacky way than before.
With the tool in there, files come in as a list of files instead.

Personally, I (sometimes) prefer it to always be a list, just so you only have one type of code handling. But I imagine the single item case is the most common use case - and it would be backwards compatible.
You can use 'multiple' on many types of input with html5. So it should probably not just be files handled this way.
Also, now I see it would be fairly trivial to support php array variable handling with cp 3.2. Just using a tool in that same place that parses the variable names. That is when variables are called:
name='something[0]' value='a'
name='something[1]' value='b'
name='something[anotherkey]' value='c'
Then you get this:
something == {'0':'a', '1':'b', 'anotherkey':'c'}