pygame, pywebsite -- a website with joystick controls???!??!
Here's a song program written with a pygame style api: import pygame pygame.init() counts = {} going = True while going: events = pygame.event.get() for e in events: if e.type == HTTP: if e.path.startswith('/song/'): song_id = e.path[6:] if e.method == "POST": counts[song_id] = counts.get(song_id, 0) + 1 e.write(counts[song_id]) elif e.path == "/": if e.method == "GET": data = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in counts.iteritems()]) e.write(data) elif e.method == "DELETE": counts.clear() elif e.type in [QUIT, KEYDOWN, JOYBUTTON, MOUSEDOWN]: going = False Note this is not in pygame yet, but is just the possible API. So it can't be benchmarked since it doesn't really exist. It's Vapour-wa...