pygame.test -- moving testing forward.
We are moving to including the tests with an installed python package... pygame.
Why include tests in pygame? Rather than only with the build process?
A few other things it might do.
Nicholas and I have been discussing this for a while, and have now moved discussion to the pygame mailing list. However we would appreciate any thoughts from outside of the pygame community too.
>>> import pygame
Why include tests in pygame? Rather than only with the build process?
- More people will run the tests.
- people can run the tests to see if everything works in their own programs.
- Can run tests on a persons computer to see if everything in pygame+ your program is working.
- Which driver/function combination works, or works fastest? Run tests and find out.
- Testing a py2exe/pyapp generated binary is much easier.
- Reuse of our testing enhancements for their own tests.
- Reporting bugs would be easier. Since everyone could run unittests, since they will be installed everywhere pygame is installed.
- Result submission of unittests easy. This would result in a much larger base of computers running the unittests and submitting problems. This would be opt in of course.
- Make the testing stuff more a library, than a framework.
- Allow people submit unittests more easily. Since they won't require a source release of pygame to write unittests. eg people using a windows binary install of pygame, or a ubuntu binary install can run and submit unittests.
- Make testing easier for people. The easier it is, the more worthwhile testing is.
A few other things it might do.
# load your own test into the test runner.
>>> pygame.test.load("tests/")
# pass commands to the test runner.
>>> test_results ="interactive")
# Submit the test results for review.
>>> pygame.test.submit_test_results(test_results)
# submit a test you wrote for review to the pygame developers.
>>> pygame.test.submit_test("tests/")
Nicholas and I have been discussing this for a while, and have now moved discussion to the pygame mailing list. However we would appreciate any thoughts from outside of the pygame community too.