My pyweek postmortem. Making a game in a week.
Pyweek , finished recently, and was a real blast... as usual. Congrats to everyone who took part, pyweek was really fun! I look forward to playing everyones games (I've only got through around ten so far). 'Eye stabs' was our team name. We didn't post a final entry. Our game isn't really at the stage where we'd like it to be... There's still a number of core features required before it's a 'game'. At the moment, it's kind of a fun intro, and a demo of what the game could be. For me, recently these competitions have been about experimenting, rather than finishing a game. Getting a buzz off everyone else's energy as they create something in a small amount of time. These competitions are also really good for 'finishing' a game... since they have a finish built in. When the week has ended it's finished. So we'll make a release some time in the next few weeks. Because we want to show everyone... but not before the basic ele...