buildout tutorial. buildout howto. buildout review.
This post is a review, a tutorial, and a howto - for and about buildout - a software development tool for the python language. This document aims to answer the question... " buildout? WTF? ". In short: buildout automates python project building. Buildout does everything needed to get your application in a state for running in its own sandbox. Super quick start instructions for using buildout... get the source from Make a new directory for your project, then copy the bootstrap/ file out of the zc.buildout source into your new project directory create a "buildout.cfg" file to go with the file. Here is a simple one for your package called "YOURPACKAGENAME": [buildout] parts = test py develop = . [test] recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner eggs = YOURPACKAGENAME Run "python" in your empty project directory(with the buildout.cfg file in there). This will get buildout locally int...